About Me

Hi I am Chong Wei Jie :wave:,
I’m a year 2 diploma student studying Information Technology in Multimedia University. I like exploring and learning new stuff. I mostly build websites, but I’ve also done mobile apps, games and utility scripts. I aspire to be a full-stack developer in the future.

Programming Languages


Diploma in Information Technology, MMU

2022 — present

I'm currently studying Diploma in Information Technology in MMU Cyberjaya. I have achieved dean's list award consecutively till present. I'm also a member in MMU IT society technical team, tasked to maintain IT society website. I have actively volunteered in multiple IT society events such as Barcamp 2022, Tech Career Days 2023, CodeNection 2023 and Barcamp 2023. Besides that, I'm also the secretary of Hackespace MMU.

Software Engineer Intern, Oyencov

2024 — present

I'm having my internship as a software engineer in Oyencov. I'm tasked with assisting in building the main web page for Oyencov.